Submit Hotline Tip

Is what you're reporting an emergency? If so, this page isn't your solution. Dial 9-1-1 immediately.

Is what you're reporting an incident that requires a police response within a short amount of time? If so, this page isn't your solution! You can call the station's business line (781-934-5656) and press zero (0) to speak with the station officer. When in doubt, we suggest you call.

If you do not need an immediate police response, and would simply like to leave a tip, you're in the right place. To leave a tip, use the email below OR call (781) 934-5656 ext. 5980 and leave a message with your tip. You are not required to include your contact information within your voicemail message or within the email below. However, providing your contact information gives us the opportunity to express any questions or concerns we may have regarding your tip.

When sending us a tip, please be as detailed as possible. Include who, what, where, when, why and how...