Remembering K-9 Zar

By: Officer Ryan Cavicchi

          After 9 years of tracking down missing children, patients, and dangerous criminals, Duxbury’s Canine Zar retired in 2013.  He spent his last few years with his family relaxing and being a family dog.  In May 2015, Zar was laid to rest after suffering some medical issues.  It was one of the hardest decisions I had to make for my best friend and partner.  I knew that this day would come and was completely unprepared for how hard it would be.  I know in my heart it was the right thing to do, but it didn’t make it any easier. 

          As I look back at what we accomplished together it brings tears to my eyes.  Zar was always by my side from the time we went to bed until the time we woke up.  We had a bond that couldn’t be explained in words.  I know that someday we will be together again.  

           His career started back in 2004 and continued right up to the day he retired in 2013.  His most significant career highlight included searching for an armed home invasion suspect. Zar tracked the suspect into the woods at night, and we were ambushed.  Upon entering the woods, the suspect fired two shots.  Zar instinctively wanted to push after the suspect, but due to the lack of visibility, and the suspect's tactical advantage, we pulled back and set up a perimeter.   Later that night the suspect turned himself in to a perimeter unit. 

           Another notable moment included finding a missing Alzheimer’s patient in a nearby creek.  The area had previously been searched by multiple officers.  Zar started pulling me through thick brush and briars, we located her in the water alive, but nearly hypothermic.  Although there are many more stories and accomplishments to choose from, one that comes to mind happened on a cold January night.  We were tracking for a suspect involved in car breaks, when I noticed blood in the snow.  First thinking the suspect must have cut himself, we continued on the track.  It soon became apparent that the blood was not the suspects, but from my partner Zar.  He had sliced an artery on his paw, but continued tracking.   We stopped wrapped it up, and he was back on the track.  Zar located the suspect as blood was pouring out of his paw.  This is one example of the dedication and loyalty he had for his job. 

            I will never forget my best friend, and he will always be in my heart.  It’s time to stay at rest until we meet again.  He had my back all those years, and I know he is still with me.  Rest in peace.

Article Featured in the August 2015 Edition of the O'Neil Bulletin