Child Safety Skills

Most kids pass through childhood without ever experiencing physical harm, or being effected by crime. Adults can make a difference in a child’s life by listening to what they are saying about other people or places. Adults must also teach children how to protect themselves in threatening situations. Here are some things you can do to protect your children.

  • Rehearse their name, address and phone number (including the area code).
  • Teach them how to make an emergency call from a home phone and pay phone.
  • Help them become aware of dangers around them such as vacant houses, wooded areas, bad lighting, busy streets with no sidewalks, etc.
  • Show them safe places in the neighborhood where they could go for help in an emergency.
  • Make sure they know to go to a store clerk or security guard - but never outside- if they get lost in a store.
  • Tell them that no one should ask to touch them anywhere their bathing suit covers, and that they should not be asked to touch anyone else in those areas.
  • Remind them that nobody should ask them to keep secrets from you.
  • Have them walk confidently and stay alert to what is going on in the area around them.
  • Ask them to watch out for the smaller children and to report anyone who lurks around parks, bathrooms, schools and etc.
  • Teach them how to write down a license plate number.
  • Make sure they can reach you by phone if they must be home alone.
  • Post the numbers to emergency services, your work, a trusted neighbor, and a family member, near the telephone.
  • Have them check in with you when they get home and before they go to a friend’s house.
  • Agree on rules for having friends over when no adult is present.
  • Remind them to never open the door to anyone including a repairman, a salesman, or an unexpected guest.
  • Teach them to never tell anyone they are home alone either through the door or on the phone. Kids should always say their parents are busy.